1…2….3…..JUMP! Imagine going after Life like that. Just jumping into the possibilities. Throwing ourselves out there with total Faith. Have you ever done that?
I admit. At times I wish I were more like that; have an idea and just JUMP right into it. Not all that extra “Thinking It Over” all the time. As a matter of fact, I think there should be a word added to the dictionary:
“JUMP-O-PHRENIA” fear of jumping into something new;
following your dream, or pursing your passion. A condition marked by
one who hesitates longer than necessary while they think about all the things that
could go wrong, or why they shouldn’t take a certain action.
I mean, if it doesn’t involve danger or harm, Why Not? Some of the great things have happened and can happen when we just go and do something.
MY 1….2….3….JUMP (one of them) has been reviving this Blog. I can’t believe all the time that has passed since I was blogging. I kept thinking about doing it, and came pretty close many times, but…… Well I just wouldn’t Jump!
Then, I saw this picture and that person JUMPING into that water and I imagined how EXHILARATING it would be – as my feet left the edge; and how REFRESHING to hit that cool (hopefully not too cold) water! I’ve done it before, haven’t you? You take that leap of Faith; and so many times, they’re fun and fascinating experiences, or really important lessons.
So, JOIN ME ON MY JUMP! If there’s something that you’ve been putting off, for whatever reason, just tell yourself: “1…..2…..3…..JUMP!” And, let me know what you do. I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment, or Email me at: Lauren@LaurenHudson.com
(Lauren Hudson is an Emmy Award-winning Reporter, Author, Speaker, Presentation Coach and proud Cancer Survivor. She’s the founder of The International Happiness Network and is known as “The Happiness Princess.” For Books, CD’s and more, visit: www.LaurenHudson.com )